Help Us Find Our Classmates

If you have contact information for any of the individuals in the list below (Facebook, e-mail, etc...), please e-mail Rachel so that we can get them the reunion information.

Alt, Kristen (Shiver)

Amburgey, Timothy

Armstrong, Joshua


Banks, Sycilla

Barfield, Lisa

Barr, Grady

Belzel, Brian

Benjamin, Gina

Bennett, Jason

Bentley, Brenda (Hodgden)

Bickford, Kathryn (Benton)

Blake III, Neal

Bobbitt, Maurice

Bokken, Virginie

Bott, Marty

Brannen, Carrie

Branson, Christopher

Bratton, Jason

Braun, William

Buick, Deborah

Burroughs, Melissa

Caruthers, Ralph

Carver, Terri

Clark, Shawn

Clinton, Jennifer (Ferrer)

Cohen, Jason

Cole, Shannon

Cox, Ike

Crain, Kristina

Crede, David

Crisci, Christopher

Cynar, Gregory

Daniels, Aubrey (Keegan)

Davis, James

Dean, Natalie

DeFulio, Anthony

Dewyer, Jeremy

Duncan, John

Earley, Ryan (Robert)

Eslick, Rebecca

Farrell Jr., Jack

Forcella, James

Forehand, Donald

Fox, Brian

Ganshaw, Joe

Giansanti, Nicole

Gray, Gordon

Greenamyer, Jen (Somers)

Hawley, Tammy

Hayes, Christopher

Herath, Michelle (Bernstein)

Hernandez, Manuel

Hery, Dulcie

Higbee, Terry

Hill, Amauda

Hines, Susan (Isaacs)

Hissa, Heather (Lyons)

Hollister, Gary

Holt, Brian

Hubbard, Michelle

Jacques, Ryan

Jewett, Eric

Johnson, Kimberly

Johnson, Metashia

Jones, Susan

Jones, Tonya (Gipsou)

Joyce, Briau

Kasper, Shelley (Orteneau)

Kavula, Trina (Rodriguez)

Keaton, Jeffrey

Keene, Kim

Kellams, Jessica

Kiernan, Shawn

Knapp, Christopher

Knapp, Jacque

Knous, Jason

Konitzer, Brian

Kowalke Jr., Michael

Kozlowski, Nancy

Kroll, Michele (Deering)

Large, Jeffrey

Larkin, Kyle

Maafu, Siaosi

Mayton Jr., Charles

McDonough Jr., Richard

Meehan, Buffy

Merrill, Bobbi (Hill)

Metz, Jennifer

Meurer, Ryan

Micklos, Michael


Natale, Jason

Navarro, Shanee

Nelson, Zachary

Newby, Jonathan

Oakes, Molly (Scribner)

Ogrodny, Edith

Ondeyko III, Barry

Owens, Jennifer (Rayboun)

Page, Bobbie

Papadopoulos, Dino

Parsells, Kenneth

Pauley, Laura (Nichols)

Phillips, Gerald

Piehl, Jennifer

Porter, Daniel

Powers, Laura

Prevatt, Cynthia

Prewitt, Nicole (Layky)

Preza, Stephen

Pritchett, Margaret

Ragster, Anthony

Rath, Brandy (Downing)

Rathel, Billy

Ryan, Jacques

Scarbo, Leslie

Servos, Vasilios (Billy)

Sherwood, Veronica

Shuler, Jennifer (James)

Smith, Ricardo

Solovskoy, Jeremy

Somers, Stephen

Spurlock, Charles

Stockburger Jr., William

Streeter, Jennifer (Hendry)

Sullivan, Robert

Suvarnapruksa, Varangcana

Thomas, Marcy

Thompson, Jeffrey

Thompson, Marty

Tucker, James

Tulinskl, Brian

Underwood, Curtis

Valentine, Veronica

Van Scoyoc, Jeff

Vaughn, Graham

Vogel, Jason

Wabiszewski, David

Wallen, Jodi (Sullivan)

Washington, Renee

Wegmann, Rhonda

West, Jason

Westenberger, Rhonda

Williams, Alfonso

Williams, Camisha

Wilson, Tracy (Mallows)

Class of 1992 Album

Do you want to upload photos from highschool to this album? All you have to do is click here to email your images. Just attach them, one at a time, to an e-mail and put the caption for each photo in the Subject Line. It must be an image file (ie:jpeg) and don't include anything else in the e-mail body. Just attach the image and write a caption as the subject line. It will show up in this album shortly after you send it!

Looking forward to seeing all of you there! We are selling too many tickets these last 2 weeks to keep up with the attendee list.