
The Hemp Road Trip

Bus Wrap Design

  • Categories: Environmental
  • Location: Denver, CO
  • Online: hemproadtrip.com
  • Client: The Hemp Road Trip

Twelve 24 Design transformed an old, worn out, rusty, dark blue GMC Vandura into something new and vibrant with a full vehicle wrap. While the client and their contractors worked on the mechanics and the interior of the vehicle, we created a template for the exterior, designed the entire wrap and then worked with a local vehicle wrap company to get it applied. The client had a tight deadline, but we were sure to meet it so that passengers could embark on their time-sensitive legislative trip to gather co-sponsors for the legalization of hemp.

Mobile Marketing

With the intent of engaging viewers on all sides of the bus, we made sure that no matter what part of the bus you are facing, you can learn something about Hemp. Interesting facts and items made from hemp adorn all sides of the bus, creating an interactive design. Even the top of the bus has information so that anyone above it could see what it's advertising, as well.